Sunday, January 07, 2007

new year - new art at work

To kick off the creative juices for 2007 I've started a new project. It's a self-imposed, house-arrest, boot-camp, art-making kinda thing. My goal is to create as much new work possible in a 3 week time frame. It must all be one of a kind and new in it's approach. No usual tricks allowed. To begin the process I did some soul searching and image gathering. I'm using these lists, thoughts, ideas and images as a reference and a launching point as needed.

I started Friday. Yesterday I thought this won't be so bad - as a matter of a fact maybe it will be too easy for me and I won't learn enough. Today I think - what the heck am I going to start tomorrow? It's intense, I'm rinsing out my water bucket at least 5 times a day. I'm psyched to break for lunch. By 8pm I'm beat. I have a a few hunches on what I'll do tomorrow - but I'm feeling the burn - if you know what I mean... And I'm now wondering how many more pieces of paper I'm going to go through, not that I mind but it's almost all painting work at this point (and some collage) - I need to branch out... I've got time...

Here's a shot of the studio looking so ever clean when I started. Typical me, I can't really start until my drawing table is completely clear and studio is tidy (tidy for me that is). Even in college, I would clean my room and drawing table before I really dove in head first to an assignment. As I scrubbed the caked on paint on my drawing table my roommate would ask, "So what time is the project due?" Why do I do this?

This is project number 1! Yes I noted the date and time of completion. I was trying to work with a simple palette of red and black, with a little somethin' somethin' added in. I've always like that powerful yet simple combination.


Blogger eloquentwoman said...

Your Sobo Sisters are rooting for you--and looking forward to seeing the full range of work (I bet you are, too)! Let us know if you need home-delivered sustenance....

7:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


...and what time do I need to drive you to Kinko's??! ; )

You're always an inspiration!

Luv ya!

11:41 PM  

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