Wednesday, June 27, 2007

shakerag withdrawl

It's hotter than the deep south here in Arlington today... Here's a shot of the reservoir at Shakerag - yes these clean cool waters was a mere 5 minute walk from my studio and 8 minute walk from my room. By the looks of the people who live close by and swim often, I think it's the fountain of youth. A quick dip and swim to the end and back was welcomed treat anytime of day. I'm not sure I've ever swam through lily pads before. Since I've been back I've been in search of water to swim, no such luck... still looking, I found a pool - no lily pads.

The other thing I really miss from the last two weeks was having studio space outside my house. Pure heaven - while we were all packed into a tight space, we were happy to be there. Here's a shot of my paintings in progress the second week - as you can see I've taken over the whole corner and counter. It's nice to walk into a space with nothing but works in progress, ideas, lack of, and materials. And of course sharing it with 15 other inspired artists around the clock was an added bonus. A room full of energy.

It was especially interesting to see how we all took off in different directions given the same initial suggestions. Even the pieces I produced seemed diverse in their approach and outcome. I love that. This was a great place and time to take risks and experiment with new ideas and materials.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa,
I just read your article about your sketchbooks in "Cloth, Paper, Scissors". Love your artwork. Love your ideas. I've carried sketchbooks with me when I travel for several years now, but I've always just used them as a journal/scrapbook. Mostly writing my thoughts and impressions, and gluing in bits and pieces of ticket stubs, maps, pamphlet info, and my photos. Odd, probably, but I don't actually "sketch" in my sketchbooks. I'm not really an artist, but now I want to try it as another way to document my experience. Thanks for the inspiration.

11:55 AM  

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